Thursday, December 9, 2010

GOOG call spread update

For most part it should be self explanatory. This is the performance impact for the stock price move for a Bull call spread taking google as an example. The total capital allocated in the portfolio is $59,400. If one wants to look at a different portfolio one could just use the P/L information which is based on one contract.

Portfolio Market Value  $59,400

Call Call
Expiry 12/17/2010 1/21/2011
Time to Maturity (Years)            0.02          0.12
Risk free rate 0.13% 0.13%
Volatility 28% 28%
Dividend Yield 0% 0%
Strike 600 600
The payoff function is based on entry price of 13.2 for the long call, and 4.0 for short call.

Now let's see how this could turn into a black swan. Suppose we get a little greedy and sell one day call at strike 600. What's the probability of Google jumping $10 in one day? If it doesn't happen we get to keep $69 on one contract. If it does here's how it looks. A good 10% of the portfolio is wiped out if Google jumps to $646 by Friday morning... Given all the info about Gingerbread, chrome OS that is already out there is this likely?


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